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Principal Investigator


Dr. Kevin Boswell

Marine Sciences Program

Department of Biological Sciences

I am a marine ecologist, with general interests in the ecology and behavioral dynamics of coastal and marine nekton and surface-oriented vertebrates. My research program broadly focuses on the interacting factors that mediate the distributional patterns, behavior, habitat use, energetics, and natural ecology of coastal and oceanic animals, including the implications of ecosystem variability, particularly for rapidly changing environments. To address many of these interests, my lab integrates advanced sampling techniques, such as active and passive underwater acoustics, with observations from autonomous aerial and aquatic platforms to collect high-resolution data to simultaneously describe spatial and temporal patterns of interest, ranging from individual-level interactions to broad ecosystem dynamics. The observational and analytical techniques my lab employs are robust across an array of ecosystems and animal types facilitating a high-level interdisciplinary and collaborative research program.


Areas of Interest:  Active and Passive Acoustics; Estuarine, Coastal, and Pelagic Ecology; Behavior; Population Biology; Habitat Loss; Oil and Gas Development; Biological Oceanography

Post Doctoral Researchers & Affiliates


Dr. Benjamin Binder

Marine Operations Engineer

FIU Institute of Environment

I received my bachelor’s degree from Coastal Carolina University in May of 2010 and immediately left for the Florida Keys to begin working for Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission. As an FWC biologist, I was fortunate enough to participate in a range of research projects; including long term telemetry based MPA connectivity effort in the Dry Tortugas, lionfish recolonization and removal projects throughout the Keys, and various other studies that allowed me to interact and collaborate with different agencies from the region. Most relevant to my current thesis work, we studied historically known reef fish spawning aggregations (FSAs) in the lower Keys using various acoustic technologies, telemetry techniques, and diver surveys. My thesis work is an extension of the FSA work in the Keys, focusing on using local fishermen to locate and quantify the density, spatial distribution, temporal predictability, and age structure of FSAs along the contiguous reef tract in S. Florida. Along with the spatiotemporal aspects of FSAs, I am interested in the reproductive behavior and biology of aggregating fish, and their potential to alter local nutrient cycles and influence benthic organisms. Aside from my research I am an avid waterman and hope that my research will contribute to the protection and preservation of our local fisheries resources.


Dr. Allison White - Post Doctoral Researcher

Marine Sciences Program

Department of Biological Sciences

For as long as I can remember, I've always been fascinated by marine life. As early as high school I knew that my true passion was fisheries research. Reading about the rapidly deteriorating state of global fisheries, I became determined to help improve the sustainability of fish harvesting. I began working towards this goal at Texas A&M University at Galveston, where I received Bachelor's degrees in Marine Biology and Marine Fisheries. During this time, I also completed an undergraduate research project with the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium comparing fish and invertebrate assemblages on natural and artificial reefs. After graduating, I received a Master's degree in Fish and Wildlife Conservation at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. For my thesis, I examined the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of life history and productivity trends in Atlantic Weakfish (Cynoscion regalis). My thesis project happened to coincide with the stock assessment for weakfish, which provided me with the opportunity to observe the stock assessment process first hand and even participate in it.


I am interested in the quantitative ecology of fishes. My current research is focused on the spatial dynamics of human-harvested and affected fishes and invertebrates in coastal habitats. I am also interested in the application of active acoustic methods and spatial analyses to provide population size and distribution information of reef fishes. My research goals are to improve the effectiveness of management and conservation efforts for coastal ecosystems by integrating modelling approaches and the use of advanced technologies in fisheries-independent surveys. Outside of my research, I enjoy diving, caving, cave diving, and generally anything having to do with fish and/or caves.

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Dr. Camilo Roa 

Research Assistant Professor

Institute of Environment

Hello, my name is Camilo Roa. I am an electronic engineer with a PhD. in ocean engineer from Florida Atlantic University. I have worked in electronic design, autonomous vehicles, underwater acoustics, and engineering environmental applications.

I have more than 14 years of experience in signal processing, control theory and machine learning. I am not your typical specialized engineer, rather I like to experiment with and understand anything that I find interesting. That is why I have been involved in topics like acoustic wave propagation, robotics, and environmental conservation.

On my last project, I integrated some of those interests into a networked array of autonomous surface vehicles, fixed platforms, and buoys, to monitor the health of Florida bays and provide decision-making information in real-time. My colleagues and I worked with the local government, the affected communities, and industry partners.

I am always willing to learn, participate or lead. A new project is always a good opportunity to expand my horizons. Different engineers, with a vast range of specialties, are just starting to understand how their knowledge can improve marine and coastal regions. As one of them, I am passionate about applying engineering solutions to environmental problems.

Areas of Interest: Underwater acoustic modeling, seabed geoacoustic modeling, signal processing, acoustic-visual machine learning detection and classification systems, and environmental monitoring.


Dr. Marta D'Elia

Research Development Officer

College of Arts, Sciences, and Education

Marta D’Elia joined the Research Development Office in April 2020. She worked as postdoctoral researcher in the Marine Ecology and Acoustics Lab at FIU after completing her PhD in Environmental Science at the University Ca’ Foscari in Venice, Italy. Her research has mainly focused on studies the dynamic of fishes in deep sea habitats and estuarine systems using acoustic technology. In the Research development office, she assists with the development of transdisciplinary proposals led by the Institute of Environment and the School of Environment, Arts and Society.

Graduate Students


Nicholas Tucker

Ph.D. Candidate

I received my Bachelor of Science from Alaska Pacific University in Anchorage. During my experience there, I had a hand in many marine science projects. I worked with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game assessing stocks of razor clams (Ninilchik) and scallops (Kodiak). I used ROV footage from NOAA to identify rates of symbiosis between basket stars and sea whips. Post-graduation I've worked with NOAA in two facets- one as an acoustic technician for the National Marine Mammal Laboratory and also as a Fisheries Observer for the National Marine Fisheries Service. Here at Florida International University, I have worked with Red Snapper identifying their relative abundance and distribution. I have also helped process some data for the DEEPEND project. 


I am currently working on my Ph.D. I have been working in both the Gulf of Mexico and the northwest Atlantic studying the spatial relationships between foraging baleen whales and their prey. In general, I would like to better understand the trophic ecology of these areas as well as develop more robust models to characterize this dynamic. 


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Haley Glasmann

Ph.D Candidate

Since my first SCUBA diving experience at age ten, I knew I wanted to pursue an education in marine science. In June of 2020, I completed my Bachelor of Science in aquatic biology with high honors from the University of California, Santa Barbara. My first and most memorable field experience was collecting biometric data from nesting female Olive Ridley sea turtles in Costa Rica. During my time at UCSB, I conducted research within the Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology (EEMB) department, from tropical marine ecology to fish physiology. Having interned for the Burkepile Lab with photo analysis of coral-algal interactions and the Moorea Coral Reef Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Lab with video data analysis for species interactions between herbivorous fishes surrounding coral bombies in the lagoons of Moorea, French Polynesia. I also volunteered for the Eliason Lab, where I assisted the efforts in examining the physiological thresholds of salt marsh fishes by means of respirometry and participated in the local Santa Barbara education outreach program, CURIE-osity. In 2019, I completed my AAUS scientific diver certification and secured the top internship position to assist Dr. Deron Burkepile with his research exploring the role that fishes play in nutrient cycling on coral reefs in Moorea. The culmination of my undergraduate field work and laboratory research solidified my desire to pursue a graduate program. After graduating from UCSB, I interned for the US Navy Marine Mammal Program where I assisted in the unclassified training of bottlenose dolphins and California sealions. During summer, I worked for the San Diego Zoo Safari Park leading educational tours focused on the adaptations of terrestrial African animals.   


As a Ph.D. student in the Boswell Lab, I am investigating the fine-scale community structure of the deep scattering layer community. A majority of my work is based in the Northern Gulf of Mexico in collaboration with the DEEPEND (Deep Pelagic Nekton Dynamics of the Gulf of Mexico) Consotrium. The organisms I study are collectively referred to as mesopelagic micronekton which range in size from 2-20cm and include fishes, siphonophores, crustaceans, and zooplankton. Many of these animals participate in a phenomenon known as the diel vertical migration, which is the largest daily migration on earth and is a ubiquitous feature across the global ocean. Using a combined approach of ecology and marine technology to examine community and ecosystem level dynamics, I will apply my research to ocean management and conservation efforts. In addition to my research efforts, I am also the social media coordinator for our lab (@boswelllab) and FIU's Marine Biology Program (@fiumarinebio). 


To keep up with my graduate school adventures check out @scubahaleykat on Instagram!

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Gina Clementi, M.S.

Ph.D. Student

I grew up fishing at the Jersey shore, which inspired me to pursue an education in marine biology. I received my Bachelor of Science from the University of Miami, during which I spent my summers in the salt marshes of New Jersey studying the effects of urbanization on fishes with Rutgers University. I then attended Stony Brook University for my Master of Science degree, where I worked on several projects that focused on marine ecology and conservation, ranging from estuarine predators in temperate bays to artificial reefs off the south shore of Long Island. For my master’s thesis, I used baited remote underwater video systems (BRUVS) to assess anthropogenic and environmental drivers of reef-associated elasmobranch abundance and diversity in the Caribbean. After graduate school, I worked as the lab manager of the Predator Ecology & Conservation lab at FIU, where I worked on several BRUVS, eDNA, and acoustic tagging studies. Currently, I am working in the Boswell lab on a project assessing greater amberjack abundance in the Southeast US and a permit depredation study in the Florida Keys.





Andrew Natter

M.S. Student

My name is Andrew Natter and I am working as a research assistant in the Boswell lab. I received my undergraduate degree in Marine Biology and Environmental studies from Florida Southern College where I also played baseball. During my undergrad, I studied abroad in San Jose, Costa Rica for a semester. There, I worked on a project comparing the mitochondrial DNA of Costa Rican bull sharks and blacktip sharks to their counterparts around the world. I also participated in an REU at University of Massachusetts Boston Comparing predator abundance between substrates in the Boston Harbor subtidal zone using baited remote underwater video. My use of technology in my undergrad research attracted me to the Boswell Lab where I want to gain more experience using technology to gather data. In Dr. Boswell’s lab, I will be working primarily on the Amberjack project with Dr. Benjamin Binder, and assist other lab members as needed. 

Ian Areford

Ph.D. Student

Hi everyone my name is Ian Areford and I’m a first year PhD student in the Boswell Lab. I received my undergraduate degree in Biology from Saint Leo University where I conducted research on phenotypic plasticity in Mangroves in response to pore water nutrient concentrations. I then traveled down to Nova Southeastern University where I completed my masters in Marine Science. At NSU my thesis project focused on analyzing mesopelagic fish biomass patterns in the northern Gulf of Mexico in response to major oceanographic features. Through this project I discovered my interest in deep-sea fish and pelagic ecosystems in general. This is what ultimately drew me to the Boswell Lab where I hope to build upon my previous research through the use of active acoustics and other technologies. During my time in the Boswell Lab I will be assisting on a research project investigating the potential impact that pelagic organisms have on ocean mixing.


In addition, to my research on mangroves and the mesopelagic zone I also spent the previous summer working as a sea turtle specialist with the Broward County Sea Turtle Conservation Program where I completed morning surveys, responded to stranding, and preformed outreach events.

Lab Technicians

Evan Mularo

I am currently working as a lab research assistant after I completed my B.S. in marine science here at FIU. During my undergrad, I began volunteering at Frost Science Museum as an aquarist. Although I learned many necessary skills from my volunteership, I knew lab work was what I was more interested in. I took Professor Boswell’s course of field methods in marine ecology during my last semester, which led me to an internship in the Marine Ecology and Acoustics Lab. This internship introduced me to the world of underwater acoustics and all of the important research our lab is conducting. Once my internship ended, I wanted a way to continue to work and grow my knowledge of this field I knew little about. Now that I am working for the lab, I am a part of multiple projects including using a sidescan to monitor the West-Indian manatee population in Biscayne Bay. I also have spent time in the Everglades where we have used an ASV to map the bathymetry of the Tamiami Canal. Once my time at the lab is over, I plan to get my masters in marine conservation or continue my work using acoustics for marine research, since it is a relatively new field with growing importance.


Aedan Mell

​Hi, my name is Aedan Mell and I am a Marine Science major. In 2021, I transferred to FIU from Monmouth University in New Jersey. I started out as a volunteer in this lab working on the Amberjack Project, creating computer models of Amberjacks and their fish bladders and processing them. I was later hired as an undergraduate research assistant intern/lab technician. Since then, I have mainly been helping with day to day tasks, such as setting up lab equipment and annotating BRUV videos. I have also been lucky enough to help out on some really cool projects. My favorite one so far has been working with the BISON, which is short for Baited Imaging Sonar. I got to work with a PhD student doing deployments with it in the Biscayne Bay. I really love working in the lab and learning the technological side of research, but field work is the best part. Before I came to this lab, I did not know too much about hydroacoustics, and although I have some knowledge now, I still have a lot to learn. After I graduate, I am considering working for NOAA as a Fisheries Observer and eventually I plan on going into grad school.

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Chase Schaffhauser

Hello! My name is Chase Schaffhauser and I am sophomore majoring in Marine Biology here at FIU. I come from a small town in Arkansas and am looking to pursue a carer in marine research. My current involvement in the lab is procesing data for the Greater Amberjack Project. 








Lab Alumni

Past Postdoctoral Researchers

Dr. Marta D'Elia- Currently Grant Administrator II- Research Development Officer; Postdoctoral Associate, FIU Institute of Environment


Dr. Camilo Roa- Currently Research Assistant Professor, FIU Institute of Environment


Dr. Guillaume Rieucau- Currently Assistant Professor at LUMCON


Dr. Laura Catano- Currently the Adjunct Assistant Professor University of Missouri, St. Louis.


Dr. Erin LaBrecque - Currently a freelance scientist


Past Students

Evan Mularo (Undergraduate/Lab Technician). Now pursuing a Masters of Environmental Management at Duke University.


Allison White (Ph.D. Student). Dissertation title: "Spatial distribution of reef-associated fish in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico: an active acoustics approach". Position: Postdoctoral researcher, Shark Biology and Fisheries Science Lab, Texas A&M University at Galveston. email:


Benjamin Binder (Ph.D. Student). Dissertation title: "The Patterns of Occurrence, Management, and Behavorial Ecology of Fish Spawning Aggregations in Southeast Florida". Position: FIU Marine Observatories Engineer. Contact:


Ivan Rodriguez-Pinto (Ph.D. student). Dissertation title: "Structure, Control, and Communication of Collective Animal Behavior in Dynamic Environments". Position: Research Scientist, Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division. Contact: 


Gabriel Diaz (Undergraduate/ Lab Technician). Working as a restoration technician at Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC. Contact:


Mark Barton (Ph.D. student). Thesis title: "Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Arctic Nearshore Fish Community and Food Web Structures". Currently works at South Florida Water Management District. Contact: 


Aubree Zenone (MS student).  Thesis title: "A Comparative Study of Concurrent Acoustic and Diver Survey Data, and Fish Community Descriptions of a High Latitude Coral Reef, Florida, USA." Position: Aquatic Studies Project Manager (Consultant) for Burns & McDonnell. Contact: 



Past Undergraduates Mentored

Cristina Antonio (Lab Technician). Graduated with a BS in Biological Sciences. Currently an environmental technician with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

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